Thursday, January 7, 2010

London Calling

Have been visiting family in London Englad for the past 7 days. I'v had better times while being here. Shopping has occured one to many times... Oxford street, Picadilly Circus (no its not a circus-just the name of the place!) I'm missing my BoyFriend like crazy, I took a trip with him up to B.C. and I'm missing cuddling, and just laying in silence with him. I know that if you'r reading this your prob like WTF I don't care about you'r BF..sorry!
But crazy news from me, he is wanting to propose to only 18.
Well as harsh as it may be I told him to wait! I just graduated High School, and still in my 1st year of collage..its a pretty big leep, and we are not even living together yet! HOLLY COW!

Well thats all for the rest for another blog.

For now Beckz.